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Technolgies Developed at CSGRC, Hosur

Silkworm Division

Long term conservation

Using this technology the conservation  crop cycle of multivoltine germplasm was reduced from five to four crops in a year and bivoltine crop cycle was reduced from two to one per year following ten months  cold preservation schedule and in the case of mutant genetic stocks the crop cycle was reduced from three to two per year following  six months  cold preservation schedule instead of four months  cold preservation schedule.

Pebrine detection method suited to germplasm

Improved methods of pebrine detection (modified Fujiwara method) was used  for maintaining the silkworm germplasm accessions without any loss.

Bivoltine Egg Preservation schedule cum inventory software program

A software programme has been developed whereby if the oviposition date and the period of consignment required is fed the schedule of consignment can be obtained instantly. Similarly one can also get the consignment schedule if the date of oviposition is fed and the required date of release is specified, the programme will adjust among the days in the low temperature regime on its own depending on the desired release date.  

A New attachment to motorized bush cutter for weed management: a new attachment to motorized bush cutter for weed management was devised as an alternate to replace the plastic rotary box fitted with heavy duty imported nylon wire with that of locally made Iron disc and  GI wire which not only lasts longer and also proved economical.

Improved method of chawki bed cleaning by the use of Rigid HDPE nets: In traditional method of bed cleaning., during I age one cleaning, II age two  cleanings and after III age  daily bed cleaning is being carried by use of  cotton/ nylon nets  having different mesh size suitable for the ages. These nets are daily washed and dried and used during bed cleaning. The use of these nets during cleaning consumes more labour, time and cost and also it is found that the use nylon/cotton net injure the worms during bed cleaning. The CSGRC, Hosur innovated the use of rigid HDPE net with different mesh size suitable for young age rearing. The cleaning, disinfection and use is very easy.

Use of new mounting nets: In this traditional method, two workers are required for 6 hours to cover the 100 trays and tie the nets to avoid coming out of worms from the mountages at different time intervals. However in new method the beds are covered with nylon nets having elastic at rim and covering is easier.  By use of these newly developed nets nearly 50 % labour can be saved

New Mother moth examination:  Individual mother moth examination has to be conducted twice to ensure the accessions free from pebrine disease.  CSGRC Hosur has modified and improved pebrine detection methodology of   Fujiwara suitable for individual dry moth examination of accessions to ensure pebrine freeness in all accessions.

Mulberry cryopreservation technique:  The dehydration and slow freezing cryopreservation protocol was developed for all the 13 Morus species including wild Morus species available in the ex situ field gene bank. The vitrification protocol by using various cryoprotecants was standardized  for  mulberry species, which are not easily amenable to cryopreservation using dehydration techniques. Standardization of cryoprotocol with modification of rehydration and dark treatment enhanced the survival rates up to 100 % in many mulberry accessions. 

Please contact the Director, CSGRC, Hosur at director@silkgermplasm.com for more details


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